New: TEGOSEM on TERRASEM – using the cover crop sowing unit with a mulch seed drill
Mounting a TEGOSEM 500 cover crop sowing unit on a TERRASEM mulch seed drill lets you apply an additional companion crop or micro-granule component wh...
Mounting a TEGOSEM 500 cover crop sowing unit on a TERRASEM mulch seed drill lets you apply an additional companion crop or micro-granule component wh...
The Pöttinger TEGOSEM cover crop sowing unit used in combination with a LION power harrow or FOX compact combination harrow enables seedbed preparatio...
When precipitation is low, consistent and precise stubble cultivation is required. Farmers are recommended to carry out stubble cultivation right afte...
The MULTILINE system brings together a compact disc harrow or stubble cultivator with a seed drill.
TEGOSEM is used in combination with a Pöttinger stubble cultivator or disc harrow and enables soil preparation and cover crop seeding in a single pass...
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