Ukraine: Council adopts renewal of temporary trade liberalisation and other trade concessions
The Council adopted today a Regulation which renews the suspension of all customs duties, quotas and trade defence measures on Ukrainian exports to th...
The Council adopted today a Regulation which renews the suspension of all customs duties, quotas and trade defence measures on Ukrainian exports to th...
EU agri-food exports and imports remained strong in January 2023 compared to January 2022 reaching a total of €31.8 billion, while declining for the s...
Looking back at the year 2022, the latest monitoring report published by the European Commission shows that EU agri-food trade totaled €401.5 billion...
Market situation, in particular following the invasion of Ukraine | Trade-related agricultural issues | A new deal for pollinators
EU trade with Ukraine has been strongly affected since the start of Russia's invasion, with an initial strong disruption recorded between February and...
The EU-New Zealand trade agreement has today taken a big step towards ratification, with the Commission sending it to Council for signature.
As part of the EU's solidarity response with Ukraine, the Commission today presented a set of actions to help Ukraine export its agricultural produce....
The total value of EU agri-food trade reached a value of €28.3 billion in January 2022, a 25% increase compared to the same period last year and a 16%...
Priorities of the French presidency, trade-related agricultural issues, market situation.
European Union Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski and United States Secretary of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today issued the fol...
Today, the Commission published the report on the state of play of the transposition and implementation of the unfair trading practices (UTPs) Directi...
2020 marked another improvement in the EU's leading position among the world's biggest exporters of agri-food products. On the import side, the EU has...
Organic action plan Trade-related agricultural issues Ending the ‘Cage Age'
With a slow start at the beginning of the year, EU agri-food trade in January-March 2021 (exports plus imports) reached a value of €75.8 billion, 4% l...
Today, the Commission published a new methodology for assessing the impacts of trade liberalisation on biodiversity and ecosystems.
In January 2021, EU agri-food exports decreased by 11% compared to January 2020, reaching a total value of €13.5 billion.
The situation on global commodity and freight markets currently leads to major effects for Yokohama OffHighway Tires in terms of availability of, and...
Ministers touched upon a range of issues during the full day informal videoconference meeting: guidance on the start of the formal bilateral EU-UK con...
This report investigates the potential effects of 12 free trade agreements (FTAs) under the current EU trade agenda. For this, it quantifies the cumul...
The Council has backed a mini tariff package of mutual concessions with the US. In a move to improve transatlantic trade relations, the EU will scrap...
Megjött a tél lehelete egyes régiókban 3-5 centis friss hótakaróra ébredhettek az emberek.
Nyugat felől egyre többfelé csökken a felhőzet, a legtöbb napsütés a Nyugat-Dunántúlon valószínű, míg legtovább felhős tájak keleten, északkeleten maradhatnak
A megoldás végig a szemünk előtt volt? Lenyűgöző, mi mindenre képes ez a különleges anyag.
Nyilvános konzultációt kezdeményeztek az Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság teljesítményéről.
Miközben a gyümölcsösök egyelőre biztonságban vannak idén itthon, a szakértők szerint a következő években csökkenő termőterülettel kell számolni.