New LEMKEN harrow a champion on uneven ground
With the Thulit, LEMKEN presents its first weeder harrow and rounds off its range of mechanical weed control implements.
With the Thulit, LEMKEN presents its first weeder harrow and rounds off its range of mechanical weed control implements.
LEMKEN rounds off the top end of its range of the proven Rubin compact disc harrows with a machine with ten metres working width, launching an impleme...
Krone presents the GX General Purpose wagon also with rigid sides. Introduced for the 2022/23 sales season and configured as standard specification no...
When ploughing, furrow presses are mainly used if there is not enough time for the soil to settle gradually and tilth to form naturally.
Providing more space, lowering maximum temperatures, and keeping journey times to a minimum are all needed to improve the welfare of farmed animals du...
After 18 months of fact-finding, MEPs call on EU countries to respect animal welfare during transport and to transition to transporting meat and not l...
EFSA's latest advice on African swine fever looks at the risk of the virus being introduced to non-affected regions of the EU via pathways such as fee...
EFSA is gathering the views of stakeholders in the early stages of our scientific assessment on the welfare of animals during transport in the EU. The...
The AgriFish Council exchanged views on the post 2020 CAP reform package and the work of the high level group on sugar. It was also informed about: th...
The BKT product portfolio for transport operations is suitable for both road use and combined use on the road and in the fields. Developed to reduce s...
Online monitoring of railway systems with VEBSys Carriage identification system UICScan RoadPump: Hygienic disposal of waste water from buses
Data on sales during the first quarter of the year point to a sharp drop in registrations. The only type showing growth is the narrow track specialist...
Take your performance to top level With the new TOP 662 Pöttinger offers a more compact side rake to round off the range consisting of the two larger...
A márciusi tárgyalás során pont kerülhet a francia-marokkói paradicsomháború végére.
A tavalyi év során csaknem 30 ezer haltetemet találtak a hatóság munkatársai a Balatonban.
A befagyasztott támogatások rengeteg amerikai gazdát hoztak kilátástalan helyzetbe.
Akár 40 milliméternyi csapadék is leeshet a következő napokban az ország területén.
Magyarországon, az egy évvel korábbihoz képest 39 százalékkal magasabb termelői áron kereskedtek az étkezési búzával február utolsó hetében.