Wacker Neuson reports strong growth in first half of 2022
H1 revenue up 15.5 percent on previous year; double-digit growth across all reporting regions EBIT margin 8.2 percent (-2.6 pp yoy); profitability im...
H1 revenue up 15.5 percent on previous year; double-digit growth across all reporting regions EBIT margin 8.2 percent (-2.6 pp yoy); profitability im...
The Wacker Neuson Group and John Deere Construction & Forestry Company, a subsidiary of Deere & Company, USA, a global leader in the delivery...
Leading light and compact equipment manufacturer the Wacker Neuson Group has made a successful start to 2022.
The Wacker Neuson Group has returned to its growth trajectory. In fiscal 2021, business developments at the Wacker Neuson Group recovered quickly from...
Leading light and compact equipment manufacturer the Wacker Neuson Group has made a successful start to 2021.
Since 2015, the Wacker Neuson Group has continually expanded its range of electric-powered construction machines and equipment in the zero emission ra...
The Executive Board of the Wacker Neuson Group is looking towards the future with a sense of optimism after a challenging year in 2020.
Dr. Karl Tragl will take on the role of Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO of Wacker Neuson SE effective June 1, 2021. He follows on from Mag. Ku...
Alexander Greschner, CSO of the Wacker Neuson Group, discusses the current order situation, the effects of COVID-19, the Group's internal restructurin...
Leading light and compact equipment manufacturer the Wacker Neuson Group continued to clearly feel the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in the third q...
The ongoing covid-19 pandemic, together with the resulting protective measures implemented by countries, institutions and companies, are having an inc...
The global spread of the coronavirus has significant consequences on public life and the economy. States and institutions are imposing increasingly dr...
Leading light and compact equipment manufacturer the Wacker Neuson Group saw revenue rise 11.2 percent to EUR 1,901.1 million in fiscal 2019 (2018: EU...
The third quarter of 2019 saw the Wacker Neuson Group remain on the growth path set during the first half of the year. Revenue increased 12.4 percent...
Wacker Neuson is entering into a cooperation with John Deere Construction & Forestry, a subsidiary of Deere & Company, USA, for the sale of “D...
Revenue at record high Marked improvement in profit before interest and tax Bottlenecks among suppliers and currency developments have dampening ef...
2018. június 16. és 21. között a Wacker Neuson bizonyította,hogy a géptechnológia terén manapság minden lehetséges, és bemutatta, mit hozhat a jövő. A...
Nagy István kulcsfontosságúnak nevezte a gazdáknak járó uniós támogatások megvédését.
Március 5-én, napközben a Balaton partja volt az ország egyik leghidegebb része.
A mostani fűtési szezonban is 2346 kistelepülésen, csaknem 200 ezer család kapott ingyenes tüzelőanyagot.
A kormány az elmúlt 10 évben 800 milliárdos támogatással segítette az élelmiszeripari beruházásokat.
A Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium egy hetet adott a kereskedőknek, hogy jelezzék árcsökkentési szándékaikat az infláció megfékezése érdekébe.