BKT and CSR: we are all responsible
In a special episode on its TV platform, BKT tells the story of its most important experiences over the last two years in the social field. From proje...
In a special episode on its TV platform, BKT tells the story of its most important experiences over the last two years in the social field. From proje...
The Monster Jam champions recently set six world records. From the speed challenge, to the highest jump: here is how BKT tires helped out.
Latest-generation efficient tires designed for every need: a further step towards smarter and greener development of the agricultural industry. Piero...
Second episode of the “Inspiring Talks” series, scheduled on BKT Network, BKT's digital TV. Today we meet Mr. Arvind Poddar, Chairman and Managing Dir...
A leap forward with unique initiative: one of the first in India, E-ICU Care from Primary health center which is not in a hospital. Once more, the com...
On International Day of Rural Women, BKT takes us on a unique journey into one of the most historic Italian companies in agro-machinery industry. Here...
Join us during this special Digital Event dedicated to Tractor of the Year 2021: we will review what has been done over the last six months, the work...
Online eseményen mutatták be november elején az Év traktora 2021 címre pályázó erőgépeket. Négy kategóriában összesen 18 traktor van versenyben, amely...
BKT's new TV format is starting its monthly edition of “Inspiring Talks”. Today we will get to know the CEO of BKT Europe, a businesswoman and global...
The BKT Research and Development team never stops. Prototype ready for the new Giant product, in the 40.00 R 57 size, the biggest ever made by BKT, de...
Two years on from signing its first Title Sponsorship agreement with French football, BKT takes stock. Surveys reveal that the Group's brand awareness...
In the digital editions of TOTY the tractor of the future is being “designed”, the one which will win the European award. No longer a vehicle, but a d...
Priority on safety. So the company has chosen not to take part in the biennial meeting in order to safeguard the health of its employees, collaborator...
Lucia Salmaso manages all the marketing and communication activities of the company worldwide as well as the global sponsorship strategies of BKT, and...
Specifically designed for multiple applications with small tractors, this tire offers low soil compaction to protect turf and crops.
In Steenbergen, in the Netherlands, Antonissen Pootaardappelhandel VOF has been growing potatoes for three generations and tells us why they chose AGR...
The excellent results of the first two years of collaboration have led to the upgrade of the agreement, now extended to 2023. BKT signs as League Part...
The Indian multinational Group, specialized in Off-Highway tires, joins now basketball. The aim? Strengthening its brand awareness throughout Europe a...
A TV format hosting each week new episodes on the BKT universe, offering inspiration, training, and entertainment. From tires to sport, and through th...
Data will be decisive in order to keep up with global changes. The tractor, from being a vehicle which is currently electronically supported, is becom...
A karácsonyi fogyasztása átlagosan 513 kg CO2-egyenértékű kibocsátást eredményez, ez több mint 23-szorosa az átlagos napi 22 kg-os értéknek.
Mindenhol jóval hidegebb volt, mint egy nappal korábban, köszönhetően annak, hogy kiderült az ég és leállt a szél.
Az ENSZ előrejelzése szerint jövőre 307 millió ember szorul majd segítségre, de csak 60 százalékuknak tudnak támogatást nyújtani.
Csupán kevés fátyolfelhőzet érkezik, amely napközben nem fogja érdemben szűrni a napsütést
2024-ben is számtalan nagy interjút készített az Agrárszektor és rengeteg neves szakemberekkel beszélgettünk.