European farmers more upbeat about prospects
The results of the latest DLG Trendmonitor Europe survey, conducted this spring by the German Agricultural Society, show signs of confidence not just...
The results of the latest DLG Trendmonitor Europe survey, conducted this spring by the German Agricultural Society, show signs of confidence not just...
A torinói székhelyű New Holland Agriculture is képviseltette magát az idei SIMA kiállításon, ahol elnyerte az „Év gépe” címet, melyet az Everest rends...
Phil Hogan, EU agriculture and rural development commissioner, will lead a delegation of 60 EU food and beverage producers and associations to Canada...
Agricultural interbranch organisations (IBOs) bring together various operators active in the food supply chain, from farmers and manufacturers to supe...
Date: 4-5-6 May 2017Venue: Hód-Mezőgazda Zrt. Exhibition Showground, H-6800 Hódmezővásárhely, Route 47, at the 195th km sign
The International Salon of Agriculture/Salon International de l'Agriculture opens tomorrow in Paris for a fortnight. This must-see event is an opportu...
A new resource pack for teachers and pupils will help young people reconnect with farming as the source of their food and as a core element of Europea...
Latest facts and figures in these areas
On 12 December 2016 the Council, led by the Slovak Presidency, adopted conclusions on strengthening the position of farmers in the food supply chain a...
The POSEI scheme in the EU outermost regions* is vital to address their particular agricultural challenges, notably in bridging the difference in cost...
Today, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation on new, integrated ways to collect and use statistics on farms so as to better supp...
Decrease largely due to notable fall in animal production.
Economic study gives valuable information on potential effects of future trade agreements and validates current EU approach of systematically protecti...
The Commission will consider the report's recommendations and an appropriate policy response in line with its continuous support to the agricultural s...
From 1 November, Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, is visiting Hong Kong, Vietnam and Indonesia accompanied by a busines...
EU space programmes already deliver services that benefit millions of people. The European space industry is strong and competitive, creating jobs and...
The United Nations (UN) expects the population to grow to more than 9 billion inhabitants on Earth by 2050. Not only will there be more mouths to feed...
The Council meeting will take place in Luxembourg on Monday 10 October 2016 only, starting at 10.00. It will address both agricultural and fisheries m...
Students and young farmers in Europe and Africa have one month to register their details for a major competition about how using satellite technology...
A havazás és a viharos szél miatt több vármegyére is elsőfokú figyelmeztetést adtak ki.
Az éjszaka során a fél országban elkezdett szakadni a hó, komoly gondokat okozva ezzel a közlekedésben és az infrastruktúrában.
Becslések szerint a mezőgazdaságban eddig keletkezett kár óriási, meghaladja a 80 milliárd dollárt.
Általában erősen felhős vagy borult idő várható, majd a délután északnyugat felől vékonyodik, szakadozik, csökken a felhőzet, de a keleti megyékben akár estig felhős maradhat az ég
Az elmúlt években a hazai burgonyatermés rendszerint már január végére vagy február közepére elfogy, így tavaszig sem tart ki.