BvL wins Innovation Award presented by the DLG
Bernard van Lengerich Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co.KG (BvL) in Emsbüren strives to support dairy farmers in their efforts to produce a feed mix of co...
Bernard van Lengerich Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co.KG (BvL) in Emsbüren strives to support dairy farmers in their efforts to produce a feed mix of co...
Larger, more flexible, and even more powerful – the new V-COMFORT Turbo straw blower engineered by Bernard van Lengerich (BvL), the family-ownedand-op...
Bernard van Lengerich Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co.KG (BvL) is supplementing their line of axles and will soon offer customers a new tandem axle that...
With the new V-MIX Plus 22-2S Bernard van Lengerich Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co.KG (BvL) is rounding off their V-MIX Plus line of medium-sized exter...
Aside from their feeding and other aspects, the design of the surfaces on which the animals rest is a factor of paramount importance to the health and...
Cost control and feeding management are pivotal to anyone you wants to run a dairy farm with maximum efficiency. The mobile weighing and feed manageme...
Fully customized dairy cattle feeding technology that is on the cutting edge – that is one of the strong points of Bernard van Lengerich Maschinenfabr...
This is already the 26th time that innovators are distinguished with the Inel d'Or. The award is bestowed by L'Eleveur laitier and La France agricole,...
The feed management system V-DAIRY Feeder offered by Bernard van Lengerich Maschinenfabrik (BvL) and the fodjan ration calculation application are bec...
Whether installed as a new system or to replace an existing system in biogas plants – dispensing systems remain in great demand in Germany. One aspect...
The fact that Bernard van Lengerich Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG (BvL) from Emsbüren, Germany, builds mixer wagons of exceptional quality is know...
Maneuvering a mixer wagon on a farm always involves the risk of potentially dangerous situations, e.g. when the vehicle is backed out of the clamp or...
Innovation Award EuroTier 2016 for 25 product innovations.
Különleges rendezvény vendége volt az Agro Napló, amikor augusztus 17-én a németországi Spellében a Bernard Krone Holding GmbH & Co. KG sajtótájékozta...
A gleccserolvadás 18 milliméterrel növelte a tengerszint globális emelkedését 2000-2023 között.
Széleskörű lakossági tájékoztatási programot indít a Parkerdő egy budapesti erdőért.
Egy neves japán egyetem kutatásai azt tűzték ki célul, hogy 2040-re növénytermesztő farmot hozzanak létre a Holdon.
A középső országrészben akár tartósan borult maradhat az ég, másutt több-kevesebb napsütés várható
A metszésnél fontos, hogy a sebzési felület minél kisebb legyen, így csökkenthetjük a kártevők és kórokozók bejutásának esélyét.