Commission welcomes Chinese announcement on lifting import ban on French beef
China announced its intention to lift its import embargo on French beef for animals under 30 months of age, thanks to a long-term effort of European t...
China announced its intention to lift its import embargo on French beef for animals under 30 months of age, thanks to a long-term effort of European t...
The United States have announced the lifting of the ban on imports of beef from France. The Commission welcomes this decision, which represents a new...
After 15 years, Japan lifted an embargo on Italian beef, following an earlier opening of its market to beef products from other EU Member States (Fran...
The United States announced that it will lift its ban on beef from the Netherlands.
As from 2 February 2016, Japan lifted its long-term ban on Danish beef based on an alleged risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). The decisio...
A teljes uniós tejtermelés és -feldolgozás több mint egyötödét egyetlen tagállam adta 2023-ban.
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