2024. december 19. csütörtök Viola

Címke: eu (573 cikk)

2014. december 5. 10:55

Simplification as a top priority in 2015

Phil Hogan - Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Brussels, 3 December 2014, European Parliament, Committee on Agriculture and Rural De...

2014. október 30. 17:16

Publication: "Tales of our Forest"

"Tales of our Forest" is a new brochure from DG AGRI, which contains poetry and prose from all EU Member States; it is illustrated with children's dra...

2014. október 27. 12:09

Richer soil from old bones - with Video

Is it possible to produce fertilizer from animal bones? And what are the potential benefits for agriculture and the environment? To find out Futuris w...

2014. október 27. 11:25

Commodity price dashboard - September 2014

This price dashboard provides a monthly summary of commodity price data for the most representative agricultural inputs, agricultural products and con...

Agrárszektor Konferencia 2024
Decemberben ismét jön az egyik legnagyobb és legmeghatározóbb agrárszakmai esemény!