Report: Evaluation of Common Agricultural Policy Measures regarding the Cotton Sector
This summary presents the main results of the evaluation of support measures for the cotton sector, the objective of which was to measure the impacts...
This summary presents the main results of the evaluation of support measures for the cotton sector, the objective of which was to measure the impacts...
The food supply chain plays a crucial role in the daily life and well-being of every one of us. Apart from ensuring that we all have food to consume o...
This report, and the events recorded in it, focus upon seven countries which are at various stages of active or potential candidature to join the Euro...
In this latest Brussels Briefing on Agriculture, AGRA FACTS journalists Rose O'Donovan & Ed Bray provide an update on the latest developments in t...
European Commission adopts ‘Partnership Agreement' with Finland on using EU Structural and Investment Funds for growth and jobs in 2014-2020
The Short-term outlook is based on reflections of market experts within the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European...
A növekedési hitelprogram második szakaszában részt vevő hitelintézetek 402,7 milliárd forint összegű szerződést kötöttek a vállalkozásokkal az MNB-ne...
The European Commission has today adopted a new programme for emergency market measures for perishable fruit & vegetables in the wake of the Russi...
Az Európai Unió agrárminiszterei 2014. szeptember 28-30. között Milánóban tanácskoztak az olasz EU-elnökség szervezésében az élelmezésbiztonságról.
Lengyelország és hazánk közösen lép fel az orosz embargó negatív hatásai ellen.
Dairy farmers are always looking for ways to cut costs and boost production. An EU-funded project aims to help. Its new technology lets farmers combin...
Tackling unfair trading practices in the fod chain DG AGRI seminar on the CAP reform A new EU forestry strategy: presentation of Commision communicati...
The market situation for Beef & Veal, Pig, Eggs and Poultry such as presented at the "Single CMO" Management Committee meeting - 18 September 2014...
President-elect Juncker has unveiled the attribution of portfolios to the Commissioners-designate and the new shape of the next Commission. This follo...
10/09/2014 - Today, President-elect Juncker has unveiled the attribution of portfolios to the Commissioners-designate and the new shape of the next Co...
The European Commission is moving today to introduce support measures for the EU peach & nectarine sectors, notably by increasing the volumes of f...
In the context of Russian restrictions on imports of EU agricultural products and following on from last week's Management Committee meeting discussio...
The European Commission has adopted a "Partnership Agreement" with the Czech Republic setting down the strategy for the optimal use of European Struct...
The European Commission has announced today that it will open Private Storage Aid for butter, Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP) and certain cheeses in order t...
Megjelent az Agro Napló decemberi száma.
Az új AKG és ÖKO felhívásokkal kapcsolatos leggyakoribb kérdésekre adott válaszokat az Agrárminisztérium.
Helyzetfelmérést tartottak a Gyömrői Kutyamentsvár Állatmenhelyen a Nébih szakemberei.
Megjelentek a KAP Stratégiai Terven alapuló, a vidéki közösségeket támogató első LEADER helyi felhívások.
Az év végi ünnepi időszakban rengetegen választják a pulykahúst Magyarországon.