FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS ASIA 2016 Becomes the International Showcase for Asia
Once again FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia proved that quality counts! This was the early verdict of visitors, conference delegates and exhibitors ali...
Once again FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia proved that quality counts! This was the early verdict of visitors, conference delegates and exhibitors ali...
With just a few weeks to go before FIAAP/ VICTAM/ GRAPAS Asia 2016 opens, the organizers of the event, Victam International, announced that the exhibi...
The message at the recently held Press Conference in Bangkok for FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS ASIA 2016 was “Sustained growth of the size and influence...
For instance Tyson Animal Nutrition Group is a supplier of protein feed ingredients serving aquaculture, agriculture, and companion animal food manufa...
Global industry executives from the animal feed, flour & rice milling, grain processing and biomass pelleting industries descended on Cologne in G...
At the press conference on June 10th, 2015 during FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International 2015 in Cologne, Mr. Henk van de Bunt, General Manager of Victam I...
By going to Cologne, Germany from the 9 – 11 June and you will find over 270 exhibitors within the international showroom for your industry which wil...
The GRAPAS International 2015 trade show and conference set to be biggest yet. Already many major international companies have signed up to participat...
Cologne, in June 2015, is the place to be. If you are involved with feeds for animals, dry petfoods or aquafeeds then Koelnmesse, Cologne is where the...
This was the second time that FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia had been held in BITEC, in Bangkok and as usual quality was the word being used to descr...
Victam International, the organisers of the feed and grain processing exhibitions in Bangkok and Cologne, will celebrate its 50th Anniversary during i...
Egy franciaországi cég most alapjaiban akarja felforgatni a bőrszektort legújabb ötletével.
Olaszország: gazdatüntetéseket jelentettek be január végére
A Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara szerint a lépés ellehetetlenítené az EU mezőgazdasági termelését.
Kockázatok és mellékhatások az idei gabonatermesztési szezonban.
Narancssárga figyelmeztetést adtak ki több megyére is csütörtökre ónos eső veszélye miatt.