Commission supports pigmeat sector's move to more sustainable production
The European Pigmeat Reflection Group delivered its final report to the European Commission on 18 January 2023, ten months after its first kick-off me...
The European Pigmeat Reflection Group delivered its final report to the European Commission on 18 January 2023, ten months after its first kick-off me...
The EU is the world's second biggest producer of pork and the biggest exporter of pork and pork products. As the sector is facing several challenges,...
Priorities of the French presidency, trade-related agricultural issues, market situation.
The latest agricultural short-term outlook report published on 3 July 2019 by the European Commission shows in its main findings that EU exports of po...
The European Commission has agreed to allow the use of EU funds to help Polish pig farmers who will have to cease their activity in the context of Afr...
For the 12-month period from August 2015 to July 2016, EU agri-food exports reached a value of more than € 128 billion, corresponding to an increase b...
The value of EU agri-food exports for the 12-month period from July 2015 to June 2016 amounted to just over €129 billion, a 2.1% increase compared to...
EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan has today launched a new Meat Market Observatory aimed at improving market transparency for the beef & veal...
The Mexican market is now open for fresh pigmeat from Spain, with a number of other EU Member States expected to follow in the coming months.
"This is a package of measures which can have a material and positive impact on European agricultural markets and it should now be given the chance to...
Member States voted this afternoon in CMO Committee the closing of the pigmeat Private Storage Aid Scheme (PSA) open since 4 January 2016.
New rules opening Private Storage Aid in the pigmeat sector have entered into force today 4 January.
Milk, Beef & Veal, Poultry, Eggs, Pigmeat and Honey
EU Market Situation for Milk, Beef, Poultry, Eggs and Pigmeat at 21/05/2015
Az elmúlt év végén egy kedves partnerünktõl olyan kérés érkezett a Pig-Techn Kft. szakembereihez, hogy felhagyva az eddigi pulykanevelést, -hízlalást,...
A PIG-BOY FARM KFT. és annak jogelõdje tizenöt éve változatlan összetételben és minõségben készíti és forgalmazza a SPERMA-SPRINT kanspermahígítót. A...
Szakértők szerint Donald Trump döntése komoly problémákat okozhat a régió vízgazdálkodásában.
Az agrárium digitalizációjának ösztönzése a lehető legszélesebb eszköztár felhasználásával történik
A hazai vízügyi szervezetek értékelték a szeptemberi árvízi védekezést a Széchenyi István Egyetem Vízgazdálkodási Kutatócsoportja közreműködésével.
Az idei tél eddigi legalacsonyobb hőmérsékletét mérték hazánkban a bükki Mohos-töbörben.
A keleti megyékben több és vastagabb lesz a felhő, míg másutt napos idő várható legfeljebb kevés fátyolfelhővel