The European Pigmeat Reflection Group holds its kick-off meeting
The EU is the world's second biggest producer of pork and the biggest exporter of pork and pork products. As the sector is facing several challenges,...
The EU is the world's second biggest producer of pork and the biggest exporter of pork and pork products. As the sector is facing several challenges,...
Pork products from Italy, including the renowned Parma ham, are now allowed on the Taiwanese market following joint work by the European Commission an...
The American pork sector continues strong in 2017, driven by the export market and slightly lower hog weights. Companies across the sector are investi...
A World Trade Organisation (WTO) panel today declared illegal the Russian import ban on live pigs, fresh pork and other pig products from the EU in th...
EU agri-food exports to third countries in March 2016 were worth € 11.3 billion, about € 1 billion higher than in February 2016, according to the late...
The family owned Country View Family Farms, with relationships throughout the state of Pennsylvania and its neighbouring states, is proudly raising he...
The EU requested the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Geneva to rule over a dispute concerning the Russian ban on imports of pigs and their genetic m...
Felhősebb idő várható a jövő héten, enyhülnek az éjszakai fagyok is, némi eső is jöhet.
A saját hatáskörben megtermelhető élelmiszer szavatolja az európaiak biztonságát a francia elnök szerint.
Természetjárás során bárki találkozhat a fák tövében megbúvó, mesevilágot idéző apró víztestekkel.
Egy energiaitalban 9,5, a kólában 9, a „dobozos” tejeskávéban pedig több mint 7 kockacukornyi cukor van.
A gleccserolvadás 18 milliméterrel növelte a tengerszint globális emelkedését 2000-2023 között.