Ukraine & Russia: source of 1/3 of EU cereal imports
Since the start of Russia's invasion of the whole of Ukraine in February 2022, there have been concerns over a global food crisis.
Since the start of Russia's invasion of the whole of Ukraine in February 2022, there have been concerns over a global food crisis.
Fertilisers play a significant role for food security. Their production and their cost largely depend on natural gas. Following Russia's invasion of U...
The latest EU agri-food trade figures show that the total value of EU agri-food trade reached a value of €31.4 billion in April 2022, a 14% increase o...
Kateryna KIRT, born in Russia and Ukrainian, and Laurent Bellec live in Brittany in Pommerit Le Vicomte (near Guingamp in FRANCE). They created the as...
With a slow start at the beginning of the year, EU agri-food trade in January-March 2021 (exports plus imports) reached a value of €75.8 billion, 4% l...
The international trade fair business of the DLG (German Agricultural Society) is picking up speed again following relaxation of the restrictions rela...
DLG's AGROS, the international trade fair for animal husbandry, breeding and fodder production in Russia, opened its doors from 18 to 20 May 2021 for...
New exhibition dates: 18-20 May, 2021; AGROS, the leading DLG trade fair in Russia, offers an extensive trade fair and specialist program; the traditi...
To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries around the world have taken a variety of restrictive measures. March 2020 figures already sh...
2019 proved to be a record year for EU agri-food trade. The export value of agri-food products came to a total of €151.2 billion (rising by 10% from D...
The EU once again recorded increases in both the monthly export and import values of agri-food products in October 2019. The value of exports grew to...
In a report published today, the EU confirms for yet another year its position as largest global exporter of agri-food products, with EU exports reach...
For the seventh time since 2010 a product by SILOKING Mayer Maschinenbau GmbH is awarded in Moscow.
The latest monthly agri-food trade report published today shows stable EU exports compared with last year's high performance, at a value of €136.6 bil...
Increasing prices for major agricultural commodities, particularly for grain, and rising agricultural exports fuelled by depreciated national currency...
New international dairy conference “Milk exporters of the future” will take place during EuroTier 2018 on November 14 – Event will examine how globali...
The latest monthly agri-food trade report published today shows that the EU exports remain strong at €11.1 billion in April 2018.
The value of EU agri-food exports in January 2018 reached EUR 10.6 billion, representing a 4.5% increase in value over the same period a year ago, acc...
Published today by the European Commission, the latest monthly trade report shows that the value of EU agri-food exports reached €12.7 billion in Nove...
The middle session of the three scheduled Ag machinery conference events within Agritechnica 2017's specialist conference for farm equipment manufactu...
Az országban a sárgarépa ára csaknem 3,6-szor magasabb, mint az előző év azonos időszakában.
Világrekord lehet a fogás, amennyiben a Nemzetközi Sporthorgász Szövetség hivatalosan is elismeri.
Egészséges étrenddel tehetünk legtöbbet az elhízás ellen, már 5 százalékos fogyás is sokat számít.
Korlátozások léptek életbe a magyar vizeken, jó, ha mindenki tudja, meddig tart a tilalmi időszak.
A Budapesti Nagybani Piacon kizárólag import tételek található, áruk folyamatosan emelkedik.