Agricultre 4.0? BKT responds with the Flotation range
Thanks to their flotation properties, the tires in this line minimize the impact of agricultural machinery on the soil, thus preventing damage to the...
Thanks to their flotation properties, the tires in this line minimize the impact of agricultural machinery on the soil, thus preventing damage to the...
BKT is taking this innovative technology to the next level, a formidable ally against compacting agricultural soil.
Featuring VF technology, this Flotation tire, dedicated to agricultural trailers, helps make work in the field more sustainable.
Flotation, one of BKT's most successful tires, is a symbol of a commitment which goes beyond the concept of service. With these tires the productivity...
At Hannover, the Indian multinational group celebrates 500 thousand footballs distributed for free to visitors at the trade shows in which it takes pa...
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