Excellent Debut of Enovitis Business at SIMEI 2015
ENOVITIS BUSINESS, the new format of an event focussing entirely on the vineyard, made its debut at SIMEI 2015 (THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF MACHIN...
ENOVITIS BUSINESS, the new format of an event focussing entirely on the vineyard, made its debut at SIMEI 2015 (THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF MACHIN...
The 2015 edition of SIMEI, the leading international trade fair for wine technology, ended last Friday in a climate of general enthusiasm. The keys to...
Milan, April 2015 – the calendar of this year's ENOVITIS IN CAMPO offers a wide range of events not to be missed addressing all operators in the indus...
New EU rules for a new scheme of authorisations for vine plantings, allowing for a yearly limited expansion in the EU's wine area, have been published...
For everyone the opportunity to discover the roots of modern agriculture and for the little ones "Enovitis in Campo Junior"
All the world's leading tractor manufacturers present The first edition of “CORRIERE VINICOLO VITE” edited by the U.I.V to be distributed
19-20 June 2014, Farm Cattolica Agricola Ca' Tron Milan, April 2014 – The organisation of the 9th edition ENOVITIS IN CAMPO – Machinery Vineyard Tri...
A növénytermesztők és az állattenyésztők is lehetnek nyertesei, de akár vesztesei az elkövetkezendő éveknek.
A Georgiában kitört madárinfluenza-járvány várhatóan jelentős hatással lesz az amerikai baromfiexportra.
Az NGM tájékoztatása szerint 100 termékre bővülhet az online árfigyelőben megfigyelt termékek köre.
Egy franciaországi cég most alapjaiban akarja felforgatni a bőrszektort legújabb ötletével.
Olaszország: gazdatüntetéseket jelentettek be január végére