New LEMKEN harrow a champion on uneven ground
With the Thulit, LEMKEN presents its first weeder harrow and rounds off its range of mechanical weed control implements.
With the Thulit, LEMKEN presents its first weeder harrow and rounds off its range of mechanical weed control implements.
Mechanical weed control – now also possible with potatoes and carrots
Termesztett kultúrnövényeink közül talán a napraforgó az, amelyik a legszélesebb körű genetikai variációkkal rendelkezik. Többek között szádor reziszt...
Frost & Sullivan's latest analysis, Global Bioherbicides Market, Forecast to 2023, reveals that a growing resistance to synthetic herbicides, heig...
A novel system which uses electrical current to control weeds and which is to be marketed as part of a suite of new Case IH precision farming technolo...
Combined losses in corn and soybean crops would total $43 billion annually in the U.S. and Canada.
A new survey published in the journal Weed Science offers insights into the distribution and management of giant ragweed, a plant known to cause signi...
Today the Weed Science Society of American (WSSA) announced that new and updated educational materials for both weed scientists and the general public...
A study featured in the most recent issue of the journal Weed Technology shows that properly timed postemergence herbicides can play an important role...
The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) and its sister regional organizations will use their upcoming annual meetings to spotlight topics vital to...
Yellow nutsedge is a grass-like plant that has a well-earned reputation as one of the world's worst weeds. Not only does it grow aggressively in crops...
Just Common Sense AB are pleased to release a new model of CombCut for 2015 season. CombCut has been on the market for 5 years and now have a lot of s...
Második alkalommal díjazta a legjobb gazdákat a Kukorica Kör Egyesület 2025 január 16-án.
A nyers tejnek számos eljáráson kell átesnie, mire vajként az asztalunkra kerülhet.
2021 júniusa óta most van a legmagasabb szinten a kukorica jegyzése a chicagói árutőzsdén.
Jelentősen drágult a spanyol és marokkói importból származó paradicsom Lengyelországban.
A legfrissebb előrejelzések szerint csütörtökön délnyugaton már akár 15 Celsius-fok is lehet.