DLG ezüstérem a Krone BiG X önjáró silózók innovatív élező berendezéséért (x)
A Német Mezőgazdasági Társaság (DLG) ezüstéremmel tünteti ki novemberben az Agritechnica mezőgazdasági szakkiállításon a Krone új fejlesztésű, önjáró...
A Német Mezőgazdasági Társaság (DLG) ezüstéremmel tünteti ki novemberben az Agritechnica mezőgazdasági szakkiállításon a Krone új fejlesztésű, önjáró...
Zunhammer ist stolz darauf, dass sein neuartiges System ECO-Duo Vario mit der begehrten Silbermedaille der DLG auf der Agritechnica ausgezeichnet wird...
At the 14th Dairy Olympics, an international conference event addressing region-relevant dairy topics is being held this year in Tashkent, Uzbekistan,...
With an expected 2,600 exhibitors from over 50 countries, Agritechnica 2023, the world's leading trade fair for agricultural machinery, will take plac...
The global B2B meeting place for agricultural and food systems of the future will be next year's "Inhouse Farming – Feed & Food Show" of the DLG (...
DLG's (German Agricultural Society) Board of Directors has awarded Bernd Koch of Waldeck, Germany, a DLG Gold Medal for International Cooperation.
The DLG (German Agricultural Society) today announced that Jens Kremer will take over as Managing Director of DLG International, a subsidiary of DLG....
Expert jury selects 11 influencers and bloggers on the shortlist of the new competition - winners to be announced at EuroTier 2022 as part of the Youn...
The top trends for EuroTier 2022 are explained by three experts in DLG's network, each specialized in pig, dairy/cattle and poultry.
Agricultural economist with extensive sales and marketing experience gained in the international agricultural machinery industry.
The ‘Fit for 55' regulatory package proposed by the EU Commission also requires the agricultural sector to achieve the EU's climate protection targets...
Detlef Kampf, Head of Animal Nutrition, DLG Competence Center Agriculture, provides an overview of the trends in feed for 2022. The trends will be ref...
An independent expert committee appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) has selected the EnergyDecentral 2022 Innovation Award winners resu...
The new award scheme at EuroTier “DLG Agrifuture Concepts” recognizes pioneering achievements and future visions that have not yet reached market matu...
Three innovations have been distinguished with the "Animal Welfare Award", an additional recognition of the EuroTier innovation award for products tha...
An independent expert jury appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) using stringent criteria has selected the winners of the Innovation Awar...
Many farmers post reports about their lives and their work on the internet. They take their audience along with them to their fields, stables, forests...
At EuroTier, 15-18 November 2022 in Hanover, Germany - DLG Spotlight: "Feed for Future" in Hall 21
In view of the current discussions about the security of international energy supply in Germany and other countries, the EnergyDecentral trade fair wi...
As part of EnergyDecentral 2022, the leading trade fair for decentralized energy supply, the DLG (German Agricultural Society), as organizer, will be...
Az országban a sárgarépa ára csaknem 3,6-szor magasabb, mint az előző év azonos időszakában.
Világrekord lehet a fogás, amennyiben a Nemzetközi Sporthorgász Szövetség hivatalosan is elismeri.
Egészséges étrenddel tehetünk legtöbbet az elhízás ellen, már 5 százalékos fogyás is sokat számít.
Korlátozások léptek életbe a magyar vizeken, jó, ha mindenki tudja, meddig tart a tilalmi időszak.
A Budapesti Nagybani Piacon kizárólag import tételek található, áruk folyamatosan emelkedik.