2025. március 4. kedd Kázmér

Címke: dlg (206 cikk)

2022. október 17. 09:37

Seven top Feed trends for 2022

Detlef Kampf, Head of Animal Nutrition, DLG Competence Center Agriculture, provides an overview of the trends in feed for 2022. The trends will be ref...

2022. szeptember 22. 14:36

EnergyDecentral 2022 Innovation Awards

An independent expert committee appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) has selected the EnergyDecentral 2022 Innovation Award winners resu...

2022. szeptember 20. 13:52

DLG Agri Influencer Award - #AIADLG22

Many farmers post reports about their lives and their work on the internet. They take their audience along with them to their fields, stables, forests...

Portfolio Agrárium 2025
A tavasz meghatározó agrárgazdasági eseménye