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Felpörgetné a vállalkozói hitelezést az OTP Business
Felpörgetné a vállalkozói hitelezést az OTP Business
New EU rules for a new scheme of authorisations for vine plantings, allowing for a yearly limited expansion in the EU's wine area, have been published...
The EU milk quota regime comes to an end on March 31, 2015. First introduced in 1984 at a time when EU production far outstripped demand, the quota re...
The European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have today presented a model guarantee instrument for agriculture, the first new produc...
The Short-term outlook is based on reflections of market experts within the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European...
This publication presents the short term outlook for the arable crops, meat and dairy markets in the EU for 2014-16. The report is based on analysis o...
Brussels, 26 February 2015 The Commission decided today to refer Italy to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to meet its respon...
The carbon footprint of food waste should be taken into account alongside the the weight of food wasted, says a new study. The research examined three...
"The CAP towards 2020 - Implementation of the new system of direct payments – MS notification" - presentation made on 29 January 2015 at the 2014 Ag-...
"The 2024 prospects for EU agricultural Markets - Drivers and uncertainties" - presentation made on 29 January 2015 at the 2014 Ag-Press Annual Networ...
Science for Environement Policy nr. 403
At Green Week in Berlin, Commissioner Hogan launched a new publication that showcases how the CAP works hand in hand with EU development aims. The doc...
This study evaluates how the most recent CAP reform was affected by the enhanced role of the EP; assesses the extent to which maximum influence was ex...
Opening Remarks, Press Conference by EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil HoganInternational Green Week, Berlin, January 15
The 2014 maize production year has confirmed a record multiplication programme in the E.U. of nearly 200 000 hectares.
Érdemes lesz odafigyelni!
More than 97% of all samples analysed as part of the latest Europe-wide monitoring programme of pesticides in foods contain residue levels that fall w...
This conference presented an opportunity for a broad exchange of views on the market outlook, including the uncertainties surrounding market developme...
Egy ökológiai atombomba, ami szó szerint felzabálja az őshonos állatokat és növényeket a vízben.
A mezőgazdasági minisztérium bejelentette, hogy az ország visszanyerte madárinfluenza-mentes státuszát.
Pénteken egy még esővel érkező hidegfront mögött több fokkal lehűl a levegő hazánkban.
Az USDA októberi projekciója szerint az USA marhahústermelése 1,3 százalékkal emelkedhet 2024 negyedik negyedévében a 2023. október-decemberihez képest.
Pénteken késő délután, este északnyugat felől kezd felhősödni az ég, és a csapadék már késő este ideérhet.