Winners of Innovation Awards Agritechnica
One Gold and 17 Silver medals – More than 250 registrations
One Gold and 17 Silver medals – More than 250 registrations
On the 7th and 8th of September 2022, the international trade fair PotatoEurope will take place in Bockerode near Hanover and GRIMME will present a la...
For the 2022 season, GRIMME presents the completely newly developed store loaders of the SL 900 and SL 700 series, which combine the highest throughpu...
The GRIMME receiving hoppers of RH- and RH-Combi series have been updated with various new features.
Originally presented in 2018, the two-row bunker harvester, type EVO 280 with its three large separators and an intake for various crops, such as pota...
For the 2021 season, the four-row self-propelled potato harvester VENTOR 4150 will be equipped with some new practical features.
The family business GRIMME from Damme (Germany) has completely taken over the Danish specialist for vegetable technology ASA-LIFT. In 2013 the GRIMME...
The subsidiary of the GRIMME Group, the company RICON from Rieste (Germany), has built a new logistics centre for webs and conveying equipment. A tota...
The family company GRIMME from Damme (Germany) has opened a test track for self-propelled harvesters in the industrial area of "Niedersachsenpark" in...
The agricultural machinery manufacturer GRIMME extends its product range with the new vegetable windrower, named the WV-series.
For the harvest season 2020 the four-row, self-propelled potato harvesters VARITRON 470 with wheel chassis and VARITRON 470 Platinum TERRA TRAC (on ru...
On the 4th and 5th September 2019, the next PotatoEurope will take place in Cain, Belgium, near Tournai. GRIMME will once again demonstrate a large nu...
GRIMME, world leader in potato, sugar beet & vegetable farm machinery technology and Shaktiman, India's leading agricultural implements manufactur...
In 1969, GRIMME came up with the idea of developing self-propelled harvesting machines. Franz Grimme senior, father of the current owner Franz Grimme,...
In 2013, the family company GRIMME (Damme, Germany) acquired the majority stake of the Danish company ASA-LIFT, a specialist manufacturer for vegetabl...
Since 2004, GRIMME, a family company located at Damme, has been organising its own trade show, GRIMME Technica. For the first time, the specialised ex...
The GRIMME Landmaschinenfabrik has been exhibiting every year since the beginning of the series of this event in 2004. At this year's event from 12-13...
The GRIMME Group was able to increase sales by 13.9 % from € 403 m euros in 2016 to € 459 m in 2017. All five manufacturing companies INTERNORM, RICON...
Die GRIMME Gruppe konnte den Umsatz von 403 Mio. Euro in 2016 um 13,9 % auf 459 Mio. Euro in 2017 steigern. Alle fünf produzierenden Gesellschaften IN...
Az amerikai elnök április 2-től vezetne be vámokat a külföldi agrártermékekre - a szakértők szerint ez áremelkedést hozhat.
A rukkola a mediterrán konyha egyik kedvelt alapanyaga, amely nemcsak ízletes, hanem rendkívül egészséges is.
A globális kávéárak az elmúlt 14 hónapban közel megduplázódtak, az áremelés a fogyasztói árakban is megmutatkozik.
A 2025-ös Gazdálkosi napló megnyitása március 5-től lesz elérhető a gazdálkodók számára.
Az idei az elmúlt 13 év legmagasabb száma, ami azt jelenti, hogy összesen 129 730-an jelentkeztek a magyar felsőoktatásba.