EIMA International awards innovation
For every EIMA event held since 1986 FederUnacoma has sponsored a Competition for awarding prizes enhancing the value of innovative products presented...
For every EIMA event held since 1986 FederUnacoma has sponsored a Competition for awarding prizes enhancing the value of innovative products presented...
At Enovitis in campo 2021, Braun Agricultural Machinery's Braun VPA is the winner of the Lucio Mastroberardino Innovation Challenge, the competition a...
The European Commission has selected 72 research and innovation projects for funding under the European Green Deal Call. These projects are to contrib...
Latest-generation efficient tires designed for every need: a further step towards smarter and greener development of the agricultural industry. Piero...
The European Commission has decided today to launch a €1 billion call for research and innovation projects that respond to the climate crisis and help...
The CTIS+ system from Trelleborg Wheels Systems, which intelligently modifies the tire pressures on tractors, is among the 24 nominees contending for...
The Alltech ONE Virtual Experience launched today with more than 21,500 registrants from 126 countries, uniting for a unique exploration of the future...
Idea management has been a part of the company organisation at Pöttinger – the agricultural machinery manufacturer – for many years. The pioneering Au...
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) have included an innovative technology from Case IH, in their annual AE50 Awards...
The Manitou group, world leader in rough-terrain handling, is participating in the Agritechnica trade fair from November 10 to 16 in Germany. With num...
If you rank agricultural machinery topics by the degree of controversy they produce few, if any, would beat chemical crop protection. However, this is...
The consequences of climate change, after two consecutive drought years in Germany, have provided a focus for discussions among growers and equipment...
For years, Agritechnica has been regarded as the world's most important platform for innovations in agricultural machinery, not least because of the A...
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has announced this year's winners of the prestigious EIT Awards. Michael Dittel, LeafTech (G...
New: powering of European creative & cultural industries revealed at INNOVEIT, the annual forum of Europe's innovation Institute. Innovators join...
The DLG (German Agricultural Society), organiser of Agritechnica, today announced the winners of the Agritechnica Innovation Awards. Overall, the DLG...
Agritechnica 2019 is offering start-ups and other recently established innovative companies an attractive opportunity to present their ideas and prod...
People tend to see research and innovation as a way to meet the ends of a more industrialised and technologically advanced world that loses connection...
STEYR Q-KMS camera on the STEYR Profi CVT distinguished with Demopark silver medal.
Today, Corteva Agriscience™, Agriculture Division of DowDuPont, received a 2018 Green Chemistry Challenge Award for Rinskor™ active, a rice herbicide...
Vasárnap a minimum-hőmérséklet általában mínusz 6 és 0 fok között alakul majd Magyarországon.
Szajkókkal dolgoznak a Pilisi Parkerdő munkatársai Budapest és környékének városi erdeiben.
Kiemelt prioritásként kezelik a hatóanyagok engedélyezési folyamatának egyszerűsítését itthon.
Az Európai Bizottság megerősítette, hogy véglegesíti azon amerikai termékek listáját, amelyekre importvámokat fog kivetni.
Éjszaka nyugat felől újabb csapadékzóna érkezik, melyből valahol havazásra, néhol pedig havas esőre is lehet számítani.