Test Your Power with Mitas at the Paris SIMA show
Visitors at the SIMA show in Paris will have a chance to win a mountain bike in the challenge corner at Mitas stand C 060, located in Hall 7. All they...
Visitors at the SIMA show in Paris will have a chance to win a mountain bike in the challenge corner at Mitas stand C 060, located in Hall 7. All they...
Mitas, part of the Trelleborg Group, will unveil 1000/50 R 25 SFT, a new powerful tire for high-horsepower specialized agricultural machinery such as...
Mitas, part of Trelleborg Group, is introducing a new mobile tire pressure app for Android and iOS devices but also for Windows phone*.
Mitas, part of Trelleborg Group, is extending its range of Cyclic Harvesting Operation (CHO) tires and presents two new sizes this month.
Mitas, part of Trelleborg Group, is releasing 540/80R38 HCM, the largest tire in its High Capacity Municipal (HCM) range that now includes five sizes....
At the EIMA fair in Bologna, Mitas, part of Trelleborg Group, will be showcasing the highlights from its agricultural range including Agriterra flotat...
Új megoldások, amelyek jók lehetnek a talajtömörödés ellen is.
Mitas high-horsepower tires helped a Claas Axos 320 tractor weighing 4 tons to ‘walk' on water. Without the massive flotation tires the tractor would...
Mitas, part of Trelleborg Group, is introducing the new 20.5R25 EMR-01 tire worldwide. Designed specifically for wheel loaders used in farming, its tr...
Magyar amatőrök is bemutatkoznak Hajdúböszörményben.
Befejeződött a felvásárlási folyamat, amelynek során a ČGS Holding a.s, vezető megőgazdasági, ipari és speciális gumiabroncsokat, valamint fejlett pol...
Trelleborg has finalized the acquisition of CGS Holding a.s. – a privately-owned company with leading positions in agricultural, industrial and specia...
The special tractor pulling tyre Mitas Powerpull has been released for sale in Europe. After several months of in-house development and extensive test...
Mitas has earned recognition as a Partner-level supplier for 2015 in the John Deere Achieving Excellence Program. The Partner-level status is Deere &a...
Mitas announces a significant upgrade of warranty conditions on Mitas Premium radial agricultural tyres. All Mitas Premium tyres manufactured and/or s...
AGCO named Mitas as its Supplier of the Year 2015 in the category Engineering & Innovation during AGCO´s supplier day for the EAME region (Europe,...
Agricultural and industrial tyre brand Cultor will dramatically extend its range in the radial agricultural tyres segment. The Cultor RD tyre range is...
Trelleborg has signed an agreement to acquire ČGS Holding a.s. – a privately-owned company with leading positions in agricultural and specialty tires...
From January 2016, Mitas Premium tyres are substituting Continental rear radial agricultural tyres on the replacement market.
A Mitas cég által kidolgozott PneuTrac koncepció egy újabb mérföldkőhöz érkezett. A tartós szántóföldi tesztek során már egyértelműen kimutatható a na...
A megállapodás részletei szerint a teljes összegből 300 milliárd dollár érkezik majd közvetlenül a fejlett országoktól.
A vadhúst többek között magas fehérjetartalom, jelentős B- és E-vitamin, valamint ásványi anyag-tartalom jellemzi.
A Gaza Cola sikeresen megtalálta a helyét a palesztin éttermek és muszlim boltok polcain.
A jövő hét elején napos, párás, ködös idő lesz, szerdától viszont esőre, záporra is számíthatunk.
Az uruguayi Nemzeti Húsipari Intézet vezetője sajnálatosnak és kereskedelmileg érthetetlennek nevezte a Carrefour álláspontját.