BKT Monster Jam tire: a Guinness World Record-setting tire
The Monster Jam champions recently set six world records. From the speed challenge, to the highest jump: here is how BKT tires helped out.
The Monster Jam champions recently set six world records. From the speed challenge, to the highest jump: here is how BKT tires helped out.
Fun guaranteed with the duo Heavy D and Diesel Dave and all the Diesel Brothers crew who comment on the event full of incredible new Monster Truck rec...
Company booth is showcasing a large variety of EARTHMAX tires and products representing different segments and applications. Not to be missed the two...
The agreement making BKT Official and Exclusive Tire Manufacturer of Monster Jam has been renewed. The partnership started in 2014 will continue for f...
In September the Monster Jam's roaring motors are coming back to Europe, namely to Antwerp, Belgium, on September 7 and 8. Inevitably and expectedly p...
Three completely sold-out evenings for the first appearance on the African Continent at Durban, Cape Town, and Johannesburg. The across-the-globe-unpa...
A thrill of anticipation throughout the country waiting for the three exhilarating stages of the popular motor show made in USA – a first on South-Afr...
The legendary Monster Trucks will be back to Europe in autumn. They are expected in Chorzów (Poland) and Oslo (Norway) on September 22 and October 20....
After Frankfurt and Cardiff, the legendary Monster Trucks are due in Lyon and Rotterdam on 16 and 30 June. BKT, since 2013 the official and exclusive...
Five new stops for the international show ready to bring energy and fun to Frankfurt, Cardiff, Lyon, Rotterdam and Oslo. BKT has been the official and...
On March 23 and 24, the huge Monster Trucks will compete in Las Vegas in Racing and Freestyle competitions to earn the title of World Champion. This y...
The brand-new ATV tire AT 171 will be showcased at SEMA 2017 in addition to Agrimax V-Flecto, many other BKT products, and the “Monster Jam Experience...
Watch out for the monsters! Monster Truck fans, get ready! The show is about to come back to Helsinki and Stockholm - full of energy, adrenaline and f...
On a much larger exhibition space, the Indian multinational showcases cutting-edge agricultural tires and has lots of surprises in store. Visitors are...
BKT is the official and exclusive tire manufacturer of this adrenaline-pumping competition. Monster Truck fans can rejoice two monstrous European stag...
The 2016 Monster Jam European tour proceeds with its adrenaline-pumping events. The 18th edition of the American show, sponsored by BKT for the third...
The spectacular American show with BKT-fitted Monster Trucks returns to Europe. For the third year in a row, BKT is the official and exclusive tire ma...
This November the Monster Truck show returns to Europe to dazzle audiences with their amazing stunts on giant BKT tires. Shows scheduled for November...
BKT as an official Monster Jam sponsor, equips all real and virtual trucks models with the Monster Jam Tire.
Széleskörű lakossági tájékoztatási programot indít a Parkerdő egy budapesti erdőért.
Egy neves japán egyetem kutatásai azt tűzték ki célul, hogy 2040-re növénytermesztő farmot hozzanak létre a Holdon.
A középső országrészben akár tartósan borult maradhat az ég, másutt több-kevesebb napsütés várható
A metszésnél fontos, hogy a sebzési felület minél kisebb legyen, így csökkenthetjük a kártevők és kórokozók bejutásának esélyét.
A magyar kukoricatermesztés lényegében egy kezelendő kockázathalmazként értelmezhető.