Calls for proposals to promote European agri-food products launched
Today, the European Commission launched the 2022 calls for proposals for European agri-food promotion programmes, in the EU and abroad. Similarly to 2...
Today, the European Commission launched the 2022 calls for proposals for European agri-food promotion programmes, in the EU and abroad. Similarly to 2...
The promotion policy for agri-food products has been consistent with its objectives. It has increased competitiveness of the sector and raised awarene...
On 14 January, the European Commission launched the calls for proposals for European agri-food promotion programmes, in the EU and abroad.
The European Commission will allocate €200.9 million in 2020 to fund promotion activities for EU agri-food products at home and abroad.
The European Commission has today launched the calls for proposals for programmes to promote European agricultural products throughout the world and w...
The European Commission adopted the 2019 promotion policy work programme on 14 November, with €191.6million to be made available for programmes select...
The European Commission will provide funding of €172,5 million from the EU agricultural budget to promote EU agri-food products in Europe and across t...
The 2018 programmes for the promotion of EU agri-food products will focus primarily on the markets with the greatest potential growth, essentially cou...
Fifty-two new programmes aimed at promoting EU agri-food products in Europe and across the world have been approved by the European Commission. Coveri...
A világ kukoricakészletei az előrejelzések szerint 11 éves mélypontra süllyednek az idei év folyamán.
Magyarországon a dióbél importjának mennyisége 1168 tonnára, értéke 1,86 milliárd forintra nőtt 2024. január és november között.
Akár mínusz 20 fokot is mérhetünk a jövő hét folyamán Magyarországon, erre készülni kell.
A magyar termelőknek március végéig kell teljesíteniük a nitrát adatszolgáltatást.
Rekordmennyiségű sört exportált 2024-ben Csehország, egyre több európai országot hódítva meg ezzel.