A new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
The European Commission adopted today a new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, setting out the pathway to prepare for the unavoidable impact...
The European Commission adopted today a new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, setting out the pathway to prepare for the unavoidable impact...
On the occasion of its Capital Market Days, Continental set out its new strategic program for the Tires business area. “Vision 2030” is focused on the...
Today the European Commission adopted a strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy by 2050 – A Clean...
Today, Farm Europe presented its report on biofuels in the context of the debates on the “Low-Emission Mobility Strategy” and the upcoming Renewable E...
LEMKEN is in the process of implementing a new, comprehensive service strategy under the heading of “Fit for Future” to ensure that LEMKEN customers r...
This center represents a further decisive step in implementation of SILOKINGs corporate strategy 4.0 (Internet of things) - with intelligent networkin...
Challenges faced by farming systems today, such as climate change, food security, emerging diseases or rural transitions need a long-term strategy. Th...
"Tales of our Forest" is a new brochure from DG AGRI, which contains poetry and prose from all EU Member States; it is illustrated with children's dra...
On June 4, 2014, Trelleborg Group heldits Capital Markets Day in Stockholm, Sweden. It included presentations that provided deeper insight into the lo...
Széleskörű lakossági tájékoztatási programot indít a Parkerdő egy budapesti erdőért.
Egy neves japán egyetem kutatásai azt tűzték ki célul, hogy 2040-re növénytermesztő farmot hozzanak létre a Holdon.
A középső országrészben akár tartósan borult maradhat az ég, másutt több-kevesebb napsütés várható
A metszésnél fontos, hogy a sebzési felület minél kisebb legyen, így csökkenthetjük a kártevők és kórokozók bejutásának esélyét.
A magyar kukoricatermesztés lényegében egy kezelendő kockázathalmazként értelmezhető.