High-tech: a key ingredient for the future of Europe's food industry
HighTech Europe team has created a pioneering network to channel scientific and technological advances to benefit the European food sector.
HighTech Europe team has created a pioneering network to channel scientific and technological advances to benefit the European food sector.
The European Commission yesterday confirmed its intention to adopt a €28m support package for milk producers in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This ne...
Brussels, 17 November 2014 Phil Hogan - Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Brussels, 6th Knowledge and Innovation Summit, European P...
A következő években több EU-forrás jut a vidéki élet vonzerejének növelésére. Ezt a szerteágazó tevékenységet hangolja össze a Magyar Nemzeti Vidéki H...
‘I would like to show that when one uses novel concepts or thinks outside the box, there is no limit to yield ... the limit is just in our head,' acco...
"Tales of our Forest" is a new brochure from DG AGRI, which contains poetry and prose from all EU Member States; it is illustrated with children's dra...
Mediterranean land degradation threatens food security
The European Commission has today approved 27 programmes to promote agricultural products in the European Union and in third countries. The total budg...
Is it possible to produce fertilizer from animal bones? And what are the potential benefits for agriculture and the environment? To find out Futuris w...
This price dashboard provides a monthly summary of commodity price data for the most representative agricultural inputs, agricultural products and con...
The market situation for Beef,Sheep & Goats, Pig, Eggs and Poultry such as presented on the 23 October 2014.
This report assesses the competitive position of the European Union (EU) agri-food sector in the world market by examining the influence and scope of...
This summary presents the main results of the evaluation of support measures for the cotton sector, the objective of which was to measure the impacts...
The food supply chain plays a crucial role in the daily life and well-being of every one of us. Apart from ensuring that we all have food to consume o...
This report, and the events recorded in it, focus upon seven countries which are at various stages of active or potential candidature to join the Euro...
In this latest Brussels Briefing on Agriculture, AGRA FACTS journalists Rose O'Donovan & Ed Bray provide an update on the latest developments in t...
European Commission adopts ‘Partnership Agreement' with Finland on using EU Structural and Investment Funds for growth and jobs in 2014-2020
The Short-term outlook is based on reflections of market experts within the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European...
A növekedési hitelprogram második szakaszában részt vevő hitelintézetek 402,7 milliárd forint összegű szerződést kötöttek a vállalkozásokkal az MNB-ne...
A cég minden egyes tojás után 50 centes felárat számít fel, a pótdíj bevezetése átmeneti jellegű.
Szakértők szerint Donald Trump döntése komoly problémákat okozhat a régió vízgazdálkodásában.
Az agrárium digitalizációjának ösztönzése a lehető legszélesebb eszköztár felhasználásával történik
A hazai vízügyi szervezetek értékelték a szeptemberi árvízi védekezést a Széchenyi István Egyetem Vízgazdálkodási Kutatócsoportja közreműködésével.
Az idei tél eddigi legalacsonyobb hőmérsékletét mérték hazánkban a bükki Mohos-töbörben.