Combined cattle and pig event premiered 2016– Speakers attending this year from Israel and the USA – Event helps farmers gear up for the EuroTier trad...
EuroTier is the world's leading trade show for animal production concentrating on livestock management, health and quality – This year's event include...
EnergyDecentral established as leading trade fair for the decentralized energy supply sector - About 300 exhibitors participating this year with a bro...
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hartung from the Institute of Agricultural Process Engineering at the Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, who is also Chairman of...
Probably the most stable articulated loader or the most agile four-wheel steering wheel loader in the world.
An independent expert committee appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) determined the winners of the Innovation Award EuroTier from among...
Platform for innovations in modern animal production – Guiding theme “Digital Animal Farming” – More than 2,500 exhibitors from 62 countries registere...
World's largest trade fair for livestock farmers will feature the latest trends in feeding farm animals – New feed technologies and alternative ingred...
Professional pig producers from around the world will gather for EuroTier at Hanover, Germany, in November 2018 to find out about the latest developme...
The milk industry's 2018 “Way for Milk!” motor rally took place in Canada in July – The week-long event provided valuable insights into Canadian dairy...
World's leading trade fair for animal production – World-wide platform for livestock innovation – EnergyDecentral 2018 – International specialist prog...
With an electrical output of more than 4,200mW, biogas plants have become an important pillar in the transition to renewable energy in Germany, and el...
The world's leading trade fair for livestock professionals, EuroTier 2018, will be themed "Digital Animal Farming – Management Support, Animal Health,...
Farmers and farm managers from the Gulf states will find a visit to EuroTier 2018 and EnergyDecentral useful for their businesses, according to a dele...
Egyetlen magyar médiumként vettünk részt a szeptember 21-22-én Göttingenben megrendezett Eurotier Előnapokon. A rendezvény célja, hogy az újságírók be...
Idén karácsonykor mélyebben kell a pénztárcába nyúlni, ha diós vagy mákos bejglit sütne valaki otthon.
A támogatás iránti kérelmek benyújtására 2025. január 27-től 2025. március 13-ig tartó időszakban lesz lehetőség.
Az idei évben a hipermarketek és diszkontláncok között intenzív árverseny alakult ki, ami árcsökkentéseket eredményezett a tavalyi évhez képest.
Megjelent az Agro Napló kukoricával foglalkozó különkiadványa.
Veszélyben az ünnep központi dísze? A klímaváltozás és a károsítók is nehezítik a karácsonyfa-termesztők dolgát.