2024. október 26. szombat Dömötör

Címke: pig (70 cikk)

2016. szeptember 30. 00:00

The future of pig finishing

DLG and Bauförderung Landwirtschaft to co-operate on pig special feature at EuroTier 2016 in Hanover from 15th-18th November.

2016. szeptember 30. 00:00

EU pigmeat exports recovering in July 2016

For the 12-month period from August 2015 to July 2016, EU agri-food exports reached a value of more than € 128 billion, corresponding to an increase b...

2016. szeptember 26. 00:00

House Equipment: „MoreFlex“

With an innovative pen concept, WEDA Dammann & Westerkamp ensure more animal wellbeing in sow managements: the farrowing pen “MoreFlex” is convinc...

2016. augusztus 26. 09:25

EU wins a WTO dispute on Russian pork ban

A World Trade Organisation (WTO) panel today declared illegal the Russian import ban on live pigs, fresh pork and other pig products from the EU in th...

2016. július 6. 09:35

The future of pig finishing

DLG and Bauförderung Landwirtschaft to co-operate on pig special feature at EuroTier 2016 in Hanover from 15th-18th November

2015. december 13. 21:46

Ünnepeltek a növényorvosok

A hagyományt követve a Corvinus Egyetem Budai Campusának dísztermében rendezték meg a növényvédő mérnökök és növényorvosok országos tanácskozását, a 1...

2015. november 26. 13:13

Country View Family Farms

The family owned Country View Family Farms, with relationships throughout the state of Pennsylvania and its neighbouring states, is proudly raising he...

Agrárszektor Konferencia 2024
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