Topigs Norsvin achieves increased turnover despite challenging 2022
In 2022, the Topigs Norsvin turnover rose by 12% to € 234 million. This is a bigger increase than in 2021, when the turnover rose by 9%.
In 2022, the Topigs Norsvin turnover rose by 12% to € 234 million. This is a bigger increase than in 2021, when the turnover rose by 9%.
In mid-April, the first animals arrived at the new Topigs Norsvin nucleus farm Innova Canada. This first batch of 395 Z-line sows and gilts was brough...
The European Pigmeat Reflection Group delivered its final report to the European Commission on 18 January 2023, ten months after its first kick-off me...
Topigs Norsvin South Africa is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Reeders (35) as its new General Manager.
Topigs Norsvin announces the launch of a new data exchange platform.
17 Dutch companies active in the pig business have signed a strategic partnership agreement. Hereby they have agreed to combine their strengths and kn...
The top trends for EuroTier 2022 are explained by three experts in DLG's network, each specialized in pig, dairy/cattle and poultry.
Magyarországon tartották meg az InterPIG és az agri benchmark Pig Network éves konferenciáját. A vágósertésárak zuhanása és a takarmányárak erőteljes...
On February 24,1922 Dutch pig farmers established the Centraal Bureau voor de Varkensfokkerij* (CBV) with the aim of improving breeding. The founding...
Topigs Norsvin is investing in a new nucleus farm in the Canadian province of Manitoba. This represents the single biggest investment in the history o...
For more than 80 years, WEDA Dammann & Westerkamp has stood for innovative solutions in modern pig husbandry. This also includes the segment of an...
2020 was another record year for Topigs Norsvin. The turnover rose by 16% to €191 million, and the operating result rose by 42% to €15.6 million.
Antibiotics are irreplaceable substance to treat diseases in humans and animals. Their activity needs to be protected also in the future, as resistanc...
Topigs Norsvin has added selection for primal yields with CT scanning data to its breeding program. This latest innovation by Topigs Norsvin makes it...
In pig production the weaning period is the most challenging time for piglets. The success during nursery is detrimental to the success in the followi...
From 9 to 12 February 2021, WEDA Dammann & Westerkamp will take part in the digital EuroTier 2021. The virtual showroom can also be visited on the...
Specialized in the manufacture of 100% natural solutions for animal feed and plant production, BIODEVAS LABORATOIRES has been awarded an Innov'Space 2...
Results from an independent trial show that TN Tempo-sired finishers outperformed the progeny of two leading competitor sire lines in the US market.
At “EuroTier digital” next month, the DLG (German Agricultural Society) will be launching its new streaming video sessions, DLG-Spotlights “Pig”, whic...
Several of the main gut diseases in pigs are caused by Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria such as E.coli, Lawsonia, Brachyspira and Salmonella. Contami...
Az agrárium digitalizációjának ösztönzése a lehető legszélesebb eszköztár felhasználásával történik
A hazai vízügyi szervezetek értékelték a szeptemberi árvízi védekezést a Széchenyi István Egyetem Vízgazdálkodási Kutatócsoportja közreműködésével.
Az idei tél eddigi legalacsonyobb hőmérsékletét mérték hazánkban a bükki Mohos-töbörben.
A keleti megyékben több és vastagabb lesz a felhő, míg másutt napos idő várható legfeljebb kevés fátyolfelhővel
Április 23-ig lehet benyújtani az EU mezőgazdasági termék promóciós pályázatokat.