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Die neue Generation der bewährten ANNA–BURGER Universalstreuer wurde nach unten mit dem Modell HTS 18.04 abgerundet. Sein Gesamtgewicht beträgt 18 To...
Die neue Generation der bewährten ANNA–BURGER Universalstreuer wurde nach unten mit dem Modell HTS 18.04 abgerundet. Sein Gesamtgewicht beträgt 18 To...
The KUHN mixing and feeding machine range is expanding with the arrival of 18 new single-auger vertical mixer/feeder models: PROFILE DL-CL-PLUS.
New covering system for JOSKIN silage trailer: "Duo-Cover" system Precision spreading and optimization of mineraI cycles with NIRs New hydraulic ext...
Compact design, low centre of gravity, small turning circle and powerful performance - these are what have made the Hoftrac® range of machinery the su...
This year, Weidemann GmbH (private limited company) expanded the communication with a so-called claim, an addition to the logo. Christina Heine gives...
Moonsyst is the developer and provider of the VetAsyst dairy cow rumen pH and temperature monitoring PLF system. VetAsyst carries information straight...
HiPro: The most poweful and cost-effective protein supplement for ruminants Linafiber-Linacell Veal flakes low iron
The Manitou group, global leader in all-terrain material handling, is launching a new range of forklift-trucks dedicated to agriculture, a sector in w...
The upcoming German fertilizer ordinance will most likely require low-level manure spreading on the field in bands as of 2020 at the latest. With the...
Why stocking up on water and carrying it as ballast when it's actually about the manure and its valuable substances? Fliegl's slurry and drying expert...
With over 25 exhibits on display, DeLaval continues to inspire dairy farmers globally, to continue driving progress in four important areas: farm prof...
To support our customers' future success, it is key to stay innovative. Throughout the years, DeLaval has been relentless in doing so and during the l...
Following the example of the KT256, the KT276 has now been further developed and optimised. A new engine, an increased payload and numerous features m...
For the first time in the company's history, Kramer has designed a small tele wheel loader in the 0.65 m³ class. With this further development, the Pf...
They are small and technically simple but can do a lot: beacons are one of the most exciting developments in recent years. Currently, new application...
Customers now have a choice: fully electric or diesel driven Kramer offers a fully electric wheel loader that is free of emissions, offers excellent o...
The prototype was first shown at Agritechnica, and is now ready for series production. Kramer presented the KL25.5e to an interested audience at EuroT...
Under the leitmotif “Partners in agriculture – animal health and crop protection from a single source,” Bayer Vital GmbH and Bayer CropScience Deutsch...
A Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara a tagok számára idén is buszos kiutazást szervez a hannoveri EuroTier állattenyésztési kiállításra.
Bernard van Lengerich Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co.KG (BvL) in Emsbüren strives to support dairy farmers in their efforts to produce a feed mix of co...
Eddig ismeretlen vulkánt fedezett fel Nyugat-Magyarországon egy szombathelyi kutató.
Egyre több olyan fehér gólya él Magyarországon, amelyik rendszeresen itt tölti a telet.
Az Európai Bizottság szigorítja az élelmiszerbiztonsági előírásokat a Listeria monocytogenes baktérium elleni védekezés érdekében.
Péntekre valóban megérkezett a havazás Magyarországra, néhol 20 centis hótakaró alakult ki a hegyekben.
Megnyitása óta a legnagyobb mínusszal zárta a 2023-as évet a csengelei kóser vágóhíd.