Technology and wine: SIMEI 2019 enthuses the exhibitors and anticipates the future of the sector
Ernesto Abbona (UIV Chairman): "The very specific target of visitors created concrete business opportunities for the whole sector"
Ernesto Abbona (UIV Chairman): "The very specific target of visitors created concrete business opportunities for the whole sector"
Large attendance at the conferences of Enovitis in Fiera, which will gather operators and fans in the region Emilia Romagna with Enovitis in Campo on...
The new "DOC delle Venezie" is the key player of the event with a themed Convention.
‘Antonio Carraro Spa' and ‘Caffini Spa' are the winners of the prestigious "Technological Innovation Award".
Rekordszámú, több mint 140 kiállító vállalat és márka képviselte a dél-olaszországi Puglia tartományban a borászat és az olajbogyó-termelés legkorszer...
A record in the number of exhibitors: over 140 among companies and brands, representing the best technology for wine- and olive-growing, have welcomed...
ENOVITIS BUSINESS, the new format of an event focussing entirely on the vineyard, made its debut at SIMEI 2015 (THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF MACHIN...
The 2015 edition of SIMEI, the leading international trade fair for wine technology, ended last Friday in a climate of general enthusiasm. The keys to...
On 3rd and 4th November at the Convention Center of Fiera Milano Rho, international speakers met to discuss the importance of sensory analysis in the...
The 26th edition of SIMEI, International Enological and Bottling Equipment Exhibition, has opened today: it is the only platform for discussing and ex...
Numerous speakers will be at the second session of the general programme of the Innovation Workshop at ENOVITIS BUSINESS to discuss issues of utmost i...
At SIMEI 2015 the platform dedicated to the vineyard makes its debut. A networking system organized to create B2B matching and a full agenda of theme...
B2B meetings, events, workshops: The Networking System for the vineyard.
Over 6,000 walked through the vines of Baglio Biesina in Marsala in the two days dedicated to testing machines and equipment for vineyards organised b...
Guided visit by Professor Lucio Brancadoro to discover the Sicilian Ampelography
Intense support programme at Baglio Biesina: from “Vote the Tractor” to Enovitis Junior.The Museo della Civiltà Contadina (Museum of Rural Culture) ca...
Milan, April 2015 – the calendar of this year's ENOVITIS IN CAMPO offers a wide range of events not to be missed addressing all operators in the indus...
It will be held in Sicily, during ENOVITIS IN CAMPO, the exhibition for specialized vineyard technologies. International experts for a special “Expo o...
For everyone the opportunity to discover the roots of modern agriculture and for the little ones "Enovitis in Campo Junior"
A jelentés szerint jelentős átalakulások várhatók, amelyek komoly hatással lehetnek a globális mezőgazdasági piacokra.
Egymás után jelentik be az országok a válaszlépéseket Trump vámjaira - áremelkedés és piaci zavar lehet a vége.
A madárinfluenza világszerte súlyos problémákat okoz, nálunk a forintgyengülés is hozzátett az elmúlt évek áremelkedéséhez.
A hagyományos növénytermesztésről lemondó farmerek számára ez a megoldás jövedelmezőbbnek bizonyul.
Az ország az elmúlt években jelentősen csökkentette függőségét az amerikai mezőgazdasági importtól.